Thursday, May 11, 2006

Shades of another evening

Every morning feel the same so is the afternoon and the night. For past so many years and countless day its been the case, But every evening is special. I have spent most of the evenings seeing sun set sometimes in sea, many a times in green mountains, now a days across powai lake. Every evening is different, every evening the sky has different shades and its not that one shade is better than the other, but is just different.

I don't know what is so special about these evenings that they make me get lost in memories, nostalgia. There are so many emotions, memories, feeling rushs through mind within seconds. So many years have passed and so many things have happened and I have grown from a kid running through the fields into a lump of fat and muscle who sit in front of comp for hours. And this transition seems to have happened in a blink. There were so many moments of trimphs and failures, successes and disasters. there were joy and tears and laughter. There were instances when I felt I am on the top world and then there were moments when life seemed so pointless. But life is like a stream of water, doesn't matter how many dams one build, how many obstacles one put, it knows to make its way through. Now when I look back, I smile, I laugh, I enjoy. All those moments tell me one thing life goes on. It will go on.

One may or may not get the thing which he wants the most. One may feel life has come to an dead end, One may feel there is no purpose in life to fight for. Doesn't matter what goes through one's mind, life finds it way though the most unexpected niche just like a stream. And just like a stream purpose of life is to enrich everything that comes its way in the way it can and keep moving, without worrying about the lost wars and battles. But one must always look back to appreciate his/her own courage in the moments of despair.

Now I guess I know why every evening shows us different shade, may be to tell us that the there are so many beautiful colors of life, and there are so many shades yet to be explored and the best of them is right there somewhere waiting...

So the moral is, make your butt move a bit every evening and try to see if you can get a glimpse of the best shade of the evning sky.


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