Tuesday, April 24, 2007


What is life? I don't know for some reason I happen to ask this question to often to my friends and myself in these days. Have I really had enough experience to understand life in its original form. Sometimes I feel, life is this huge thing, very very huge and we are very very tiny ants finding our way through it. At any point of time we are looking at only one aspect, only one edge, only one side of life. And sometimes it appears to be so beautiful and pleasant and other times it makes us feel so sick and restless and worst are the moments when we just see endless straight roads going no where.

Unfortunately, there is no complete picture, there are just our perceptions which become our experience and the bases for commenting on so called life. We are never wrong neither anyone else is. We are just moving in circles, trying to make sense of everything we see, we feel, we understand and we experience. We are trying to make a portrait of a Life, based only on the dimensions in which we observed it. And we are disappointed as the picture never gets complete but it rather starts getting messy. A every new twist in life, tells how false our understanding was. And at the end of it all we would realise that though our journey started with blank white canvas it would end with scrambled sheet with no picture but lots of grey mark, reminding us of our ups and downs, greatness and failures, understanding and misconception, every moment that we learnt or unlearnt. But wonder then, would it really matter how many emotions does life have and in how many dimensions does it exist... I am afraid I would be going as disappointed with the answer to the question "What is Life?", as much as, I am now.


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