Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Once I was having a discussion with my brother about "Nature and Evolution". I thought Evolution as a sophisticated, well defined process. Whereas according to my brother it was series of coincidences. But either way we agreed that process of Evolution has some sort of feedback loop of itself which continuously tries to reduce error or reach equilibrium. Any change in the the Nature/Surrounding and adaptation begins.

Each and every living being follows rules laid by nature without questioning, knowingly or unknowingly except US(Not United Stated but Humans). Now here is an interesting question I would like to pose: "Was Human Evolution part of Nature's master plan or was it a coincidental mistake?". Its like one of the nature's experiment went terribly wrong and she created Human: Very fast evolving and adapting destructive creature. Surprisingly it sounds similar to "Terminator" kind of or Spielberg movie where machines created by humans overpower them.

"One's own creation for its own destruction."

So, why are we causing harm to nature when we know we cannot live without it. In my opinion though humans have extraordinary intelligence they suffer short sightedness.
They are incapable(or unwilling) to evaluate long term consequences of any event/discovery/invention.

On contrary I would make a strong statement: Inventions(creations) is nature's job. And we(humans) have taken over it. Nature knows what its doing. But humans have taken over this process without understanding that creation is God's(Nature's) work. And it does come with lots of responsibility of understanding and evaluating rewards against consequences for whole nature.

I cannot think of single human invention (may be bcoz of my ignorance) that has benefited Nature/Earth/Evolution. We invent for humankind, we do not invent for necessity but for comfort. Every invention at first go seem harmless and sheer beauty. But when whole of mankind starts using that invention it has its toll over nature. And unfortunately yesterday comfort becomes today's necessity and the irreversible process continuous.

we live happily - > we create fire -> we burn wood -> Fire gives us heat -> Fire becomes necessity -> everyone use fire -> everyone burn wood -> cannot live without fire -> cut more trees -> cause more pollution -> Go to G8 summit -> discuss how to reduce emission -> go home -> Celebrate launching of space shuttle Endeavor. Huh!


Blogger adarshnat said...

The creation of man is one fastest ways to increase entropy (disorder) as decreed by the powerful second law of thermodynamics.

This law tells us that time moves forward in the direction entropy increases.

So nature found the right thing by creating powerful creatures to create more entropy and ensure that time moves faster forward.

To what end, I do not know.

12:05 PM  

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